If you are a cheese enthusiast, you might enjoy buying different types of cheese. So that if you need some recipes, you can immediately get them right away. One way to preserve them is through freezing; however, not all cheese can be put in the freezer. Besides, they come in this variety: sliced, shredded, or block. Since we are talking about shredded cheese, here is the quickest way on how to store shredded cheese.

To store shredded cheese without clumping, simply add 1 to 2 tablespoons of cornstarch to the freezer bag and shake it vigorously so that it is distributed evenly. Others use an anti-clumping agent like cellulose, but for home storage, corn starch plays that role.

On the other hand, you can keep them fresh by wrapping them in plastic wrap then pop them on the bottom shelf of the fridge.

Aside, from this, there are other things you can do to store shredded cheese properly.

How To Store Cheese The Right Way

shredded cheese

Add Cornstarch and Freeze

Freezing cheese is the most common way to store cheese. However, before freezing the cheese, there are a few things you would like to consider.

First off, not all types of cheese are suitable for freezing, most aren't freezer-safe.

Second, for cheeses that can withstand the freezer well, make sure you do it the right way.

Best Cheese To Freeze

Typically, any semi-hard cheeses or brick cheeses are safe to freeze. Some examples of these are:

  • Cheddar (shredded, block, or sliced)
  • Colby Jack (shredded, block, or sliced)
  • Monterey Jack (shredded, block, or sliced)
  • Mozzarella (shredded)
  • Provolone (block or sliced)

Meanwhile, these cheeses can be frozen, but the results may vary. These include:

  • Swiss Cheese
  • Blue Cheese
  • Cream Cheese
  • Feta Cheese

Worst Cheese To Freeze

Any curd cheese or soft texture cheeses are not suitable for freezing. Besides, hand-crafted cheese does not freeze well. They are known for their taste and texture, which are best eaten when fresh.

Hard cheeses such as Parmesan cheese do not freeze well. They will last for a very long time in the refrigerator, so there's no point in freezing them.

Here is the list of cheese that will not freeze well:

  • Cottage Cheese
  • Ricotta
  • Brie
  • Romano
  • Parmesan
  • Processed Cheese

Keep From Other Foods To Avoid Picking Up Smell

shredded cheese

Since cheese easily absorbs other flavors, it is recommended to keep it away from other aromatic foods in the refrigerator.

Or if you don't have a separate cheese drawer in the fridge, the vegetable crisper can be an alternative. The temperature here is more stable, and the humidity is higher.

Wrap It In Cheese or Parchment Paper

Most experts recommend wrapping the cheese in cheese paper, allowing it to breathe without letting other aromas linger on the cheese.

If you cannot find or don't want to buy cheese paper, wrap it in wax or parchment paper, then place it in the sealed plastic bag. This helps you to unwrap and re-wrap the cheese immediately.

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You can replace the wrap each immediately and then replace the wrap each time you open the cheese and the most of it.

Store Shredded Cheese in a Bag

Shredded cheese can be stored in plastic bags or the packaging it comes in. This one is usually resealable. Just make sure to get as much air as possible before sealing the bag completely.

Store Stinky Cheese Separately

Pungent cheeses like blue cheeses must be stored in their own closed container in the fridge. These varieties need more space and oxygen as this keeps them from spreading the strong flavor to everything else in the fridge.

Check Expiration Date Before Buying Cheese

Avoid storing leftover cheese in the freezer if you can. Make sure to buy cheese you want to use within the shelf-life.

Freezing the cheese can change the texture that can make it unpleasant to eat after you thaw it.

If you don't want to freeze your cheese, opt for hard cheeses like parm or firm cheeses like swiss and use the defrosted one as an ingredient in the recipe.

How To Store Mozzarella Cheese

Fresh mozzarella cheese is the tastiest when served at room temperature. It is best if you buy the amount of fresh mozzarella cheese you need.

Always check the product dating and buy the freshest mozzarella you can find. You can find it in the container as well as the date the cheese was made.

Ideally, it is best to eat the mozzarella cheese the day it is purchased.

Usually, it can be found at the local grocery store in a container of water. Keep this fresh in its liquid bath and refrigerate until ready to eat. It must be eaten within 2 to 3 days.

Meanwhile, you can find them vacuum packed. If the fresh Mozarella does not come in a tub of liquid, you can store it in the refrigerator in fresh water and use it within 2 to 3 days at the most.

The best way to keep mozzarella fresh is to store it in the refrigerator in a container of cold water. Make sure to change the water daily.

Store the mozzarella cheese in the refrigerator at a temperature between 34 F and 40F. Remove it from the refrigerator at least 1 hour before you serve it.

How To Store Bulk Shredded Cheese?

bulk shredded cheese

The best way to store bulk cheese is with the use of cheese paper.

Or if you don't have cheese paper available, you can wrap the cheese first in parchment or wax paper, and then loosely in plastic wrap.

In this way, it provides a bit of breathability for the cheese without drying it out.


1. Place the parchment paper or waxed paper flat on the counter and then arrange the unwrapped cheese on top

2. Bring the edges of the paper around the cheese, creasing as you make neat and smooth folds. You may use tape to secure it if you like.

3. Label the cheese by marking the paper with the date.

4. For another layer of protection, you can use a loose layer of plastic wrap or even a plastic bag to keep the fridge odors from seeping into the cheese.

5. Keep the cheese in the warmest part of the refrigerator, like in the cheese and vegetable drawer. You can also use a large Tupperware container as the cheese home, where you can store all your pieces of cheese.

How To Store Shredded Parmesan Cheese

Freezing shredded or grated parmesan is the best way to store this cheese. The whole process of doing this is simple and requires only a couple of minutes to do it.


  1. Grab a cookie sheet and line it with aluminum foil, parchment paper, or a silicone mat. Transfer the shredded cheese onto it and then spread evenly. Put the tray into the freezer for a couple of hours until it freezes.
  2. Transfer the frozen cheese into the container. Get the cookie sheet from the freezer and then check if the grated cheese sticks together. If this happens, grab the spatula and cut it up into small pieces then pour everything into the freezer container or bag. You may add a label if you like.
  3. Put everything into the freezer and you are done. On the other hand, you can skip the pre-freezing if you have bought it grated. Grated parmesan cheese usually comes with cellulose so that it will not stick; therefore, pre-freezing is not necessary.

Read more about storing parmesan cheese here.

How To Store Velveeta Cheese?

Velveeta cheese is a processed cheese with a soft and smooth texture. It can be enjoyed as melted to make cheese sauce or dips or as an ingredient in sandwiches.

Listed below are the steps on how to store Velveeta cheese:


  1. Take the product out of the original packaging. You can either freeze the whole block or cut the block into cubes so you can divide it into serving portions. Cover it with cling wrap to make sure that there are no exposed spots.
  2. Place the wrapped cheese in the freezer-safe resealable plastic bag then squeeze out to get rid of excess air. Seal it properly and then write the storage date.
  3. If you defrost the frozen Velveeta cheese, make sure there should be no leftovers. Never refreeze the thawed cheese

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